"Diggers Abroad"
~ Photographic Highlights ~
...An ongoing retrospective
Available for your viewing pleasure

Peace in 2010 Friends.
Listening to: Jenny Wilson "Like a fading rainbow"
'They had no conceit of themselves in a little, vain way, but they reckoned themselves the only fighting-men, simply, and without boasting. I liked the look of them, dusty up to the eyes in summer, muddy up to their eyes in winter—these gipsy fellows, scornful of discipline for discipline's sake, but desperate fighters, looking at life with frank, curious eyes, and a kind of humorous contempt for death and disease, and 'the whole damned show', as they called it.' - Philip Gibbs
I'm sure it's been mentioned somewhere -and please forgive my ineptitude- but nevertheless: what kind of camera was used to take these pictures?
Thanks for reading my wee blog. I really enjoy your Psychedelic Kimchi blog.
Photo was taken with a Nikon D40 on the auto setting (no flash) and then I tweaked the saturation and gamma levels ever-so-slightly to lift the faint orange sunlight up and raise the general contrast. It was late in the evening in Sapa and the camera doesnt handle low light well and i'm not skilled enough yet to manually compensate.
Thanks for the information. I enjoyed the pictures, and I liked the way that they turned out, so I was curious as to the camera used.
Would you recommend the Nikon D40 as a general purpose digital camera?
Keep those pictures coming, sir!
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